Coordination, Logistics & Operational Readiness
We get it. At PSM², we have a deep understanding of airports, transportation, and capital development, so getting up to speed is easy. We are passionate about transforming construction chaos to calm and scaling our niche services to suit our clients’ needs. Keeping a continuous eye on impacts to guests and stakeholders, our hands-on approach eliminates risk, ensures continuity of operations during construction, and supports airport development program success. And before opening day, our experience and proven strategies ensure that the transition from construction to operations is smooth and that everyone is operationally ready.
A successful project makes it easy for your guests to find their way around despite construction. This requires consistent design, messaging, and understanding to tell your guests that “Yes, you are going in the right direction!” or affirming, “Yes, you are supposed to be here!”
With our knowledge and design expertise, PSM² develops and implements a holistic aesthetic for construction barricades and signs. This consistent look and feel are critical for maintaining an orderly environment and smooth operations throughout construction. PSM² offers clients custom sign production that is scalable to the needs of your project, including a full-scale onsite sign shop dedicated specifically to your project.
Some of our projects:

Los Angeles World Airports Construction and Logistics Management Support Services
Since 2011 PSM² has executed strategic communications on behalf of the multi-billion Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Capital Improvement Program, the largest public improvement program in the history of the City of Los Angeles.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Terminal 4, S1 Concourse
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport’s Eighth Concourse at Terminal 4 is a $310 million eight-gate concourse adding 275,000 square feet in space and serves Southwest Airlines.

Los Angeles World Airports Automated People Mover (APM) Train System
APM is the centerpiece of LAX’s $5.5 billion Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) which will enhance the traveler experience with time-certain access to terminals and provide connection to the regional transportation system.

Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC)
Currently in the project development phase, the ITC is an approximately 1.6 mile fully elevated, automated, fixed transit system with three new stations in the City of Inglewood completing a critical first/last mile gap between the countywide Metro Rail System and the City’s major housing, employment and sports and entertainment sector.

John Wayne Airport Guest Experience
Guest Experience benchmarking and planning including the assessment of the existing guest experience and solicitation of employee and stakeholder feedback.

PHX Sky Harbor International, Deer Valley and Goodyear Airports – Improving PHX DVT GYR Program
Since its inception in 2001, the Improving PHX DVT GYR Program has been solely managed by PSM² providing internal and external communications on behalf of the City of Phoenix Airport Development Program.

PHX Sky Harbor International Airport Sky Train
A 5-mile automated train that transports 35,000 daily passengers between Valley Metro Rail, airport parking, terminals, and the Rental Car Center.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport – Terminal 3 Modernization
A $590 million project which has improved the way passenger travel through America’s Friendliest Airport® with a consolidated security checkpoint, new ticket counters, new South Concourse with 15 gates and several additional customer amenities and enhancements to the North Concourse.
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